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Welcome to the documentation for hplc-py! This package provides a limited, yet robust, interface for accurate and efficient peak detection and quantification from chromatography data, specifically from High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

Chromatography is an analytical technique which allows for quantitative characterization of a chemical mixture. While many of the technical details of HPLC are now automated, the programmatic cleaning and processing of the resulting data can be cumbersome and often requires extensive manual labor. The goal of hplc-py is to reduce this manual labor and make running of the chromatographic separation the most time-consuming step in the process.


You can install hplc-py using pip:

$ pip install --upgrade hplc-py

Dependencies for hplc-py are as follows:


Development of hplc-py occurs on various feature branches which are merged and released upon approval by Griffin.

Please submit issues and bug reports using the issue tracker. When filing an issue, provide a reproducible example that demonstrates the bug or problem. Feature requests can also be made through the issue tracker, though it is up to the discretion of the maintainers what is worth implementing.